Monday, May 7, 2012

My Sonic Commercial

Two men sit parked in a car at Sonic fast food resteraunt.

Sonic A:  Have you tried these new chicken tenders from Sonic?
Sonic B: Oh yeah!  I'm gonna go on a tender bender!
Sonic A: They are delicious, try them with Sonic's new homemade tangy bbq sauce.
Sonic B: I'm all over it man, I'm on the tender bender.
Sonic A: You just like saying 'tender bender' don't you?
Sonic B: Tender bender!
They eat their tenders in silence.  They sit quietly as they finish their last bites. They look full and despondent.
Sonic A: What are we doing here?  I mean, why are we here? I forget.  A new promtion?
Sonic B: I don't know.
Sonic A: Do you know how we got here?  Do we have families?  You've said something a wife once... she wanted a milkshake.
Sonic B:  I don't know *increasingly worried*
Sonic A:  Do we have names?
Sonic B: I don't wanna think about those things.
Sonic A: Why?
Sonic B: Because when I try I can't.
Sonic A: Have we ever left this place?
Sonic B: I think so, I mean it feels like we have.
Sonic A: Why?
Sonic B: I don't know, what's the alternative?  *weeping*
Sonic A: Have you ever enjoyed anything I've ever said to you?
Sonic B: No.
Sonic A: Why do we say these things? I'd like to tell you how I feel but I can't.  I don't know how.
Sonic B:  I don't want to know.  I wish you've never said anything at all.  I want to go back.  We're finished.  We can't go back.  You've killed us.
*Sonic A begins frothing at the mouth first a yellow foam and then blood.  He slumps over without passion.*
*Sonic B looks down into his frozen drink weeping loudly.  He vomits a large amount of blood into his drink and goes limp.*
Two custodians remove the bodies and wipe down the car's interior a curtain is pulled infront of the car.
A voice off camera: Rolling in 5...4...3...2...1
The curtain is pulled open Sonic A and Sonic B are there again.
Sonic A:  Have you tried these new chicken tenders from Sonic?
Sonic B: Oh yeah!  I'm gonna go on a tender bender!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Review of Game of Thrones Greyjoy Men's T-Shirt

Originally submitted at HBO

The Greyjoys of Pyke claim descent from the Grey King of the Age of Heroes. Known for their fierceness in battle, the Iron Kings of Greyjoy ruled far beyond their island lands, carving kingdoms in the mainland with fire and sword. The Greyjoy sigil is a golden kraken upon a field of black. Their wo...

What does it even mean to be a t-shirt?

By Reek from Harrenhall on 4/18/2012


4out of 5

Sizing: Feels true to size

Pros: Greyjoy Doesnt' Sow

Cons: Paid the gold price

Best Uses: Watching tv, Being alone

Describe Yourself: Averaged size man

I feel proud to be a kraken but I just hope they like me back.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Look Dog...

I drew a giraffe in honor of J.R. Smith joining the New York Knicks.